Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I bumped my original post for today because I had something that was too great to wait! Thanks to Leah, I found out I could change options so that my pre-written posts appeared all on their own hence my ongoing posts.


The girls have a Read At Home Program through school to help get kids and parents to read. Books provided by the school come home one at time and is read a few times then marked off on a sheet initialed by the parent. Sounds fantastic, right?!?!?!?

For the everyday family, yes! For us.... well, like their mother, the kids DEVOUR books. I usually find at least two or three books stuffed under pillows when I help make their beds. I just get a goofy grin from the child. They know their dad and I don't care if they lay in bed at night and read as long as they are quiet. There have been a few books we've had to replace because they've been read to death. With that said, they read an awful lot on their own at home.

Last year, I spoke to Natalie's teacher and opt-ed her out from the program. This year, we read one of the books from school and then I spoke to her teacher. She is fine with not sending home books but would like us to keep a record of the books because she gives out rewards after five books. I've let Natalie take responsibility for filling out the paper and I'll just initial at the end of the five. I peeked at her paper today :

On 12-11,Emma's Present was read in 5 minutes and it's 15 pages.
On 1-7, Ice Age was read in 2 days and it's 109 pages.
On 1-10, Katie Kazoo was read in 4 days and it's 308 pages.

I think I need to clarify with her teacher about the number of pages vs. the number of books reward thing!

She is definitely her mother's child!


anonymous said...

That kid is a ROCK STAR!

Leah said...

That's awesome! I was a huge reader as well and hope to install that love to my children. So far, they all three love to be read to, but they aren't so big on doing the reading themselves yet. Emily's really the only kid here in a position to actually READ on her own, but she's more inclined to DRAW while I read to HER. LOL

I can't wait until she's devouring books on her own