Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am thirty- two (32) years old.

I have been married almost nine (9) years.

I have four (4) children.

Emma (female) is ten (10). I became her mom the day I married her dad. Emma lives in our house two (2) weekends a month and sometimes more during holidays and school breaks.

Natalie (female) is eight (8).

Grace (female) is six (6).

Cameron (male) is almost four (4).

I love our house. It's very me. Very cozy and very homey. Warm, inviting, kid friendly. Candles burning and tons of pictures. Knick knacks that have a story behind them and lots of books.

It's actually an apartment. Square footage is just over one thousand- fifty (1050) feet.

Three (3) bedrooms, two (2) bathrooms.

What I want to know is why does everyone feel the need to YELL out my name while I am sitting on the you know what? "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?"

No matter if I answer the yeller or not, the bathroom door opens and I am usually greeted with "I just wanted to know where you were."

Did I mention the square footage of my house? It's not like it would be easy for me to hide! (Trust me- I've tried!) Where do they think I've gone?

The three oldest people are the absolute worst at being the yeller- husband and two oldest females.

How did I ever pee before them?


anonymous said...

you would love our dog. She has taken to knocking the door open to come check on either of us who might be in the bathroom. She comes in, licks a knee and leaves, like she just wanted to check if we were really in there. if the door is latched and she can't knock it open, she cries.

Leah said...

LOL!!! bathroom usage around our house has a mostly open-door policy as well, because there just doesn't seem much point in shutting it! I tend to just announce where I'm headed lately, to save the yellers having to yell to find me. ha ha ha