In talking to Jim, I used the term “studs” to refer to our daughters. I was told that girls are not studs. A friend of mine Googled the term for females and the only one that wasn’t derogatory was “FOX”. Foxes it is then…
I regularly go through the girls’ backpacks. It's where I find week past birthday invites, left over popcorn from Popcorn Day, and a library late slip for a book that I swear was just in their backpack yesterday. About a month ago, Natalie’s also contained a letter, written in 2nd grade handwriting, apologizing for the “inappropriate” letter that was previously written and wishing her a Merry Christmas. HUH?!?!!?!?
In addition to talking to Natalie (the letter was written by a boy in her class, Allan, and he had tried to give her another note only to have it taken away by her teacher), I emailed her teacher to get the scoop. "Simply a followup on a little boy in class who had written a note of affection and realized that we don’t share like that in second grade. Truly innocent and all taken care of with no long term repercussions" was what I got back. My daughter is such a stud... oh I mean, FOX!
Natalie’s (level headed and wise beyond her years) reaction to it all…. “I kinda figured he liked me. When he did the lunch count, he always picked me.”
Her younger sister (the wood nymph/fairy in a previous life, wears her heart on her sleeve, telling it like it is) was picked up from a play date, only to take the boy in the next room to plant one on him and caught by her mother. Evidently, she is involved in a bit of a love triangle. Her and her friend, Isabella, both like Levi. I was told by the boy’s mother that he had a play date with Isabella and something similar had happened. Can I remind you that these are kindergartners?!?!? This is the first time I’ve ever had to deal with this…. And from my six year old!!
Levi’s mother was amazing in talking to the kids about “not kissing until dating age and saving the best one for when they are married” ( I wouldn't mind to each other. He’s a cute kid and his mom is super sweet). I stood there dumbfounded by the situation. His mom also did great in handling me. I was ready to call their teacher, their fathers, the National Guard.
The next day was the class field trip to the fire station. During the class picture, there was a bit of a power play on who was going to be standing next to Levi. One minute it was Grace. Next thing I know, Isabella comes out of no where to be standing next to him.
I laughed with Levi’s dad after the picture and he said that he was going to have to talk with his son. He said he didn't have girls talk to him until college.
Love the kissy face!! LOL!
LOL!!! You've got some confident little women on your hands!!
Boys didn't talk to me, and I didn't talk to boys. I was rather pathetic all the way until junior year of high school and HE wasn't even anythign to brag about, in hindsight.
Emily used to talk about which boys she wanted to marry, until last year, the school councelor came into class and talked to them about how there are no boyfriends and girlfriends at that school. She barely even mentions the WORD boys now, and when I ask her which boys are cute and nice, she says to me, "I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until I'm older"
Well, considering how equal opportunity you are, I think stud is an appropriate description...when your hubby's not around anyway! Just as long as she and her friend don't fight too much, because as we all know, there are VERY few boys worth losing a good girlfriend over!
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