Saturday, February 28, 2009


Time to teach him, like I taught his father. Or maybe we will have Gracie teach him a thing or two!

You can see that those are sweat pants, right?

Friday, February 27, 2009


When mommy and daddy go to Costco for paper towels, what's the best thing to do with them?

I missed the mid run picture.... she was too fast for me!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Disaster Strikes

Pampered Chef Microwave Rice Cooker vs. Me

I think I forgot a cup of water.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


To answer the question of what the surprise REALLY was (not a vacation to Hawaii like Gracie had guessed!).... (drum roll) was chocolate pudding!

It was a big thrill for my kids! We don't typically have pudding cups in the house. Poor neglected kids, I know!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bullet points

Leah has had me hysterical with her stories about her daughter learning about life before technology. You know the days..... card catalogs, typewriters, and computers the size of a Buick.

I guess there is a library in our state capitol that still has a card catalog in the childrens' section in addition to a computer version. I wonder if I would still know how to use one.

Natalie's is "allowed" per her teacher that she can do her spelling word homework on the computer and just print it out to hand in.

A friend of mine was helping her daughter with her homework. She wrote out the word verb and adjective and then numbered the lines below.
After her daughter was done, she asked her mom if she could type it out and put in bullet points.

My friend was a bit stunned when her daughter printed the finished copy, bullet points and all since she isn't quite sure herself how to do it!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I told the kids that once they finished dinner I had a surprise for them.

Grace brought her plate in the kitchen to help clean up and asked what their surprise was.

Before I could answer, she started guessing.

"Vacation to Hawaii?"

In her six years, we've gone camping, flown to Arizona to visit my sister and grandparents, flown to D.C for my brother's wedding, and taken a few road trips.

Where in the world did she get Hawaii from?!?!?!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Question and Answer

The answer is

CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE ~ the darker, the better
ICE CREAM especially my men, Ben & Jerry
WINE ~ light, fruity, and cold
LAUGHTER ~ from friends, movies, kids, sister-in-laws

The question?

What do I do when I have had one of THOSE weeks to feel better?

Good thing I posted way in advance because it has been one of those weeks. I was on a roll in postings. Only missed one/two days!

I'm in search of a magic wand on eBay or craigslist in good working order for a reasonable price so, if you see one let me know!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Since my kids have seen me take medication on a regular basis, I am pretty open with them as to why. I have kid answers for them rather than the diagnosis. If and when they are ready to know more, I will have no problems talking to them about it.

For now, they know it as mommy's 1. no more baby pill (reason: 4 is a perfect number for me!); 2. no more crabby pill and 3. no more crazy pill.

The other day, I was just about DONE! Cameron was into more than usual. Grace was especially sensitive to life and was very teary. At one point I shoo-ed both of them into their rooms to sit on their beds.

A while later, they both came out and Cam asked why they were in time out because he didn't do anything wrong.

I told him that it was mommy who needed a time out because she was crabby.

His response.... "Take a pill, Mom"

I laughed so hard! And so did the person I was on the phone with who heard the entire thing~ thankfully she was someone who knows me VERY well and has known me FOREVER!

The kids and I danced in the living room until we were dizzy to get all the laughter out!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Cameron's birth day was planned around the Super Bowl.

My due date coincided with the Super Bowl the year he was born. Jim joked (so he said) that we would be watching the game if/when/during the time I was in labor and delivery. I think not was what my pregnant self told him loudly.

So we picked a date a week and a few days earlier. With Cameron being my third child my doctor delivered, she had no problem with it.

Now, fast forward four years and as I am looking at his birthday party pictures, I notice something interesting......

Not only is he wearing a football related shirt BUT the playoff game is on the TV in the back ground. Both games were on the entire day even during his party! I am sorry, son, that you will never get away from the Super Bowl come your birthday! Him being him though may never have a problem with it! The difference of raising a boy vs. a girl!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Best Part

With a house full of grandbabies, my mom went and did "kid" grocery shopping. She bought mac and cheese, cheese sticks, Oreos (which I think she needed to use the kids so she could eat them all herself!), and tons of fruit! The kids devoured the fruit! Apples, bananas, blueberries! I went to the store for a refill and came back armed with grapes.

I set the bowl on the table and the kids sucked them down. With the exception of my niece, who just sucked on them and said "Yummy juice!"

Notice her two piles...

The pile on the left is her not-yet-juiced grapes!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

More Apples

Apparently, SOMEONE taught Miss Madi how to use the camera.

When we asked Madi if she knew what the pictures were of, she promptly replied "My pajamas!".

Baby apples don't fall very far from their cousins!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


My sister and niece were just here. These are my favorite pictures of their visit.

I miss her so much! And I so love the shirt I "borrowed" from my mom~ I think borrowed might turn into "stole"!

M is 6 feet tall, blond hair, blue eyed. I.e. The woman is gorgeous! She doesn't think so! This is my favorite picture of all time of her. Most of her pictures look completely posed and you can tell she hates being in them so I was trying to get one of her totally relaxed~ Voila!

And this is my most favorite Madi of all time! I don't think I could have taken a bad picture of her. I did take a lot! I love being "Auntie" just as much as I love being "Mama"!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fashion Show

My mom owns a ton of scarves and the kids love to play with them when we are at her house. The scarves have turned my kids into everything from pirates to Santa and his reindeer AND now dress designers/models. Enjoy the fashion show!

Their outfits also really express their personalities!

Oh boy, am I in trouble!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My brother and his wife are expecting their first child in the summer. I couldn't be more thrilled to be an auntie again! I absolutely adore his wife and think both of them will be wonderful parents!

My brother has gotten some practice with my kids so he'll be a bit prepared. He's not a big kid guy but he has love and sensitivity on his side. He's also great at putting together things so anytime "Froggie" (early ultrasounds brought on the nickname) needs toys put together, he'll be all over it.

Just like he was with his niece at Christmas. He realized mid-construction that it was more than he bargained for.

But him being him, he had to see it to the end.

Grace was thrilled and spent a lot of time in her castle.

And then the Great 4 year old dragon came along and destroyed the castle! I know my brother isn't prepared for dragons in his house! How do we prepare him for that?!!?!?!

Monday, February 2, 2009


My mom was so impressed with her picture taking skills in NYC, Natalie got a digital camera for Christmas.

I took pictures off her camera yesterday.

I don't think this is what my mom had in mind!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Winter time colds have been flying around our house. We have been dosed up on Dimetapp Cough and Cold.

Gracie announced she had a "stuck sneeze" when she got the bug.


Grace does not like spaghetti sauce. Kinda difficult when we are such a huge pasta family- well, the kids and I are. Jim is a meat and potatoes man. He has difficulty just having pasta with cheese and butter for dinner.

Today for lunch I tried to get Chef Boyardee Ravioli past her- not usual in our house (I'm a pasta snob!). She wanted to know when she came to the table if it was the "kind of ravioli with Spaghetti O sauce". Okay, so I'm not opposed to it for lunch!