Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My brother and his wife are expecting their first child in the summer. I couldn't be more thrilled to be an auntie again! I absolutely adore his wife and think both of them will be wonderful parents!

My brother has gotten some practice with my kids so he'll be a bit prepared. He's not a big kid guy but he has love and sensitivity on his side. He's also great at putting together things so anytime "Froggie" (early ultrasounds brought on the nickname) needs toys put together, he'll be all over it.

Just like he was with his niece at Christmas. He realized mid-construction that it was more than he bargained for.

But him being him, he had to see it to the end.

Grace was thrilled and spent a lot of time in her castle.

And then the Great 4 year old dragon came along and destroyed the castle! I know my brother isn't prepared for dragons in his house! How do we prepare him for that?!!?!?!


Leah said...

ahh, those darn dragons! We've had a few visits from them as well. I've seen Polly Pockets dumped out and scattered and it looks like a bomb went off...

anonymous said...

maybe we'll get a dragon to begin with... and it can be just like his dad, blowing up fruit punch bottles and such. By the way, I am such a hormonal wreck this week that you writing that we would be good parents made me cry...