Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bullet points

Leah has had me hysterical with her stories about her daughter learning about life before technology. You know the days..... card catalogs, typewriters, and computers the size of a Buick.

I guess there is a library in our state capitol that still has a card catalog in the childrens' section in addition to a computer version. I wonder if I would still know how to use one.

Natalie's is "allowed" per her teacher that she can do her spelling word homework on the computer and just print it out to hand in.

A friend of mine was helping her daughter with her homework. She wrote out the word verb and adjective and then numbered the lines below.
After her daughter was done, she asked her mom if she could type it out and put in bullet points.

My friend was a bit stunned when her daughter printed the finished copy, bullet points and all since she isn't quite sure herself how to do it!

1 comment:

Leah said...

LOL!! I've never really used bullet points either! It's amazing what these kids know...