Sunday, February 1, 2009


Winter time colds have been flying around our house. We have been dosed up on Dimetapp Cough and Cold.

Gracie announced she had a "stuck sneeze" when she got the bug.


Grace does not like spaghetti sauce. Kinda difficult when we are such a huge pasta family- well, the kids and I are. Jim is a meat and potatoes man. He has difficulty just having pasta with cheese and butter for dinner.

Today for lunch I tried to get Chef Boyardee Ravioli past her- not usual in our house (I'm a pasta snob!). She wanted to know when she came to the table if it was the "kind of ravioli with Spaghetti O sauce". Okay, so I'm not opposed to it for lunch!

1 comment:

Leah said...

LOL! spaghetti-o sauce... LOL!! My kids are good pasta eaters and thankfully are good on the sauce. I'M the anti-red sauce person in the house, though I've had to suck it up and eat the "crap" because it causes a riot if mommy eats "white noodles" and they can't. GRRRRRR

I'm pretty sure Dan's happier with meat and potatoes, too, but YOU GET WHAT YOU GET AND YOU DON'T THROW A FIT. hee hee!! Sometimes there's just not enough time to prepare meat and potatoes. and pasta's cheaper... LOL

LOVE Gracie-isms... keep 'em comin'