Friday, February 27, 2009


When mommy and daddy go to Costco for paper towels, what's the best thing to do with them?

I missed the mid run picture.... she was too fast for me!


Kristina said...

That looks like lots of fun! And man, you guys must use a lot of paper towels!! I think when J and I have kids we are going to be shocked at how much stuff is required...with just the two of us in the house, a roll of paper towels often lasts months...

Leah said...

LOL We go through about a roll of paper towels a week... gasp! I've never brought them inside and let the kids play with them though. I should give it a try! We just stash them on a shelf in the garage and bring in a roll as needed. Looks like your kids were having a blast!

Erika said...

That is awesome! When did Nat get glasses? She looks adorable!!