He picked Hanny Manny.
He has a crazy love of tools. It must run in his blood. He comes from a long line of builders. He has just about every play tool. My mom even gave him a few real ones (but we won't discuss that right now!). So Handy Manny seemed perfect.
Except I found out the hard way that Handy Manny birthday supplies can not be found in any of our local stores... just online. I found this out two days before his planned party. What's a mama to do but get creative!!!
I bought red plates, yellow napkins, green cups, blue and green streamers. I ordered a cake from the grocery store with intention to decorate it myself but the cake decorator called me that morning to get some clarification. And after we added the figurines, this is what we had....

I was so thrilled I called to thank the decorator and just about kissed her over the phone!
Now onto decorations......

Amazing what I could do with markers and poster board!! Yes, I drew these free hand. I used a small picture to go off of but it's all me. Jim was really impressed! I was so impressed with myself that I may leave them up until his next birthday!
I wonder if this at all makes up for my lack of cooking ability....
I'd say that more than makes up for the cooking issue!! Those are awesome!!
Now I know who to call if my kids want a party theme that's online order only... LOL
I'm so impressed! My friend used an overhead projector at school to do some drawings of enormous dinosaurs that we then painted for her son's birthday. I thought that was pretty cool. But freehand? I'm way impressed. And about the cooking...it may make up for it in the eyes of your kids, but I bet your hubby would prefer the cooking skills. I'm just guessing, though, based on my J. Man, I wish I had EITHER cooking or artistic skills! I suck at both.
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