In addition to me having some much needed time alone, I love this one project the kindergartners and 1st graders do. Every month I get a page of a calender made by my favorite kinder or 1st grader. Natalie did it in both of the schools (different towns) she was in and then now that she's in 2nd grade, it's become her sister's job to bring me home my much loved page. When Natalie started kindergarten, I had no idea that they did this. I was ecstatic and waited patiently for the 1st of the month to see the new art. It's now become a huge production with unveiling of the new page. I think the kids are just humoring me because of my over the top reactions.
How talented is she to make such a perfect penguin?!?!?!?

I figured out recently that I will have years of calenders coming to me.... Grace is currently in Kindergarten and then once she hits 2nd grade, it will be Cameron's turn to make my calender! I just have to find a way to get them once the 2012-2013 school year gets here!
Maybe at that point, you make it an at home project...
Don't you peek?? I can't believe your self-control! I would totally flip through all the pages as soon as I got it.
You can make your own calendars using Publisher!!! You can take pictures of your kids throughout the year and then make your own...
I love getting the calendars, too! They are always so cute! Ella's has a permanent spot on our sliding glass door!
Love the blog! Check mine out when you get a chance!
i love the calenders jayden brings home! one time she was sick the day the kids made the i am missing one month :( i have them all tacked up on her bedroom door and i want to somehow bind them all together when the school year is over :)
Emily's been doing those, but they have pictures they color and cut out and are supposed to glue on at the top, and I think my child is too social during calendar making, but her pictures are only ever halfway colored and rarely cut out and glued on fully, so I have yet to hang any of the calendars. Though considering it's halfway through Jan and I still haven't gotten around to getting a 2009 calendar, maybe I'd better start!!!! LOL
she did a great job on that penguin. I think if Emily was given freer reign on that artistic portion of the calendar, I think she'd put more effort into it.
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