Monday, May 19, 2008

Question and Answer


Question: What happens when the mama puts SPF 48 on everyone BUT her during a day at the beach?


Autumn said...

Oh... my... Lord...

Leah said...

I've done that!!!!!! Unfortunately, I was also really pregnant with Connor, and it was a preschool event, and it was another mom pointing out I might want to think about some sunscreen. But it was already too late, so I got to add major sunburn, nasty peeling, and itching to my already long list of pregnancy woes. LOL

I hope that heals up soon! Slather on the aloe several times a day, until it fades. I swear it lessons the itching and peeling.... HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!

anonymous said...

lobster looks good on you!
I am so sorry, feel better!

Kaci said...

Ohhhh ouchhhhhhhh!

also known as shell said...

ouchie! if you ever want to get rid of the sting rug cidar vinegar all over yourself. the redness will still be there but the sting of the burn will be gone. I promise!