Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memorial Day and Santa

I seem to have more stories involving Grace then anyone else. Her and I spend quite a bit of time together. Natalie is in school and at three, Cam isn't quite 'there' yet when it comes to 'why' questions as his five year old sister is.

Let me start out by telling you that I am a huge advocate of communication. I've taught my kids (or at least tried to) to use their words when it comes to talking to one another, their friends, teachers, family, my husband and I. That's not to say they don't fight with each other. They do and sometimes loudly but at least they are using their words. My kids are definitely allowed to be mad and upset. I want them to use their words to solve things rather than their hands.

In the car today, we started talking about going to pick up Emma, Natalie being out of school tomorrow (Friday) and Monday, going camping this weekend, and Memorial Day. These all tie into one another in our world. Grace asked what Memorial Day was. I told her that it is to honor and remember the people who have died in a war or during military service. She asked what war was.

I did my best to explain to my five year old brainiac what war was. "It's when there are two countries that are fighting and don't use their words to solve the problem. They use their fists or guns to hurt one another." Whew!

Grace asked next "Do they get presents from Santa?"

Her being in the back seat missed my EXTREMELY puzzled look, trying to figure out the connection between the two.

"Why wouldn't they get presents?" was the most I could come up with.

"Because they didn't use their words." Silly me, why didn't I think of that.


Erika said...

clearly the two are related. Gracie is too smart for her own good!! I would have loved to be the silent observer to that conversation.

Leah said...

well DUH, when you're naughty and FIGHT, you don't get presents from Santa!!

I'm with Erika on the silent observer. Sounds like Gracie makes you really use your brain! LOL

Kaci said...

LOL! How cute!! They get a lump of coal!! :)

Autumn said...

As I was washing Presley's face after dinner last night, I asked him, "How in the world did you get food on your forehead, kid!?" He looked at me inquizitively, and asked, "Mommy, why is it called a forehead? What if I have a twohead?" I was in stitches all night. Don't you love motherhood? :)