Friday, May 2, 2008

Baby Bird

I just got off the phone with dad and Baby Bird was born just a short time ago after a very long wait through the night. Yea for epidurals! He's 8 pounds 8 ounces and a little over 20 inches long. He's got a bit of red hair like dad and sister so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Daddy Bird that it sticks. Mama Bird is resting. I didn't want to pester them anymore so I never got a name! Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Leah said...

awww yay, thanks for the update. and GASP, I can't believe you didnt' get his name!!!! LOL Sounded like E was pushing for Spencer, and last I checked, that was the voted upon name on her blog. Can't wait to hear!!! He ALMOST shares my birthday. LOL Only a day early.