Thursday, May 8, 2008

An hour or two, please

I have been keeping notes on topics to blog about, cute things my kids have said or done, and pictures of the same sort of stuff. NOW... if I can ever get around to actually sitting down to throw all of them together.... at least I've thought about it. Do I get points for that, Leah?

I need a way to add a few more hours onto my day. Between getting child in shower, dressed, fed, and on the bus NOT in her jammies, laundry, vacumning, picking up toys, wiping down the kitchen table from the previous meal, emptying and loading the dishwasher, bathing little people, making meals to feed the little people...... that's been my day today so far.... I had a point to this.... OH! I want more hours for ME!

I want to shower ALONE and SHAVE my legs. I want to get lost in my collection of books. I want to do my hair and make up. I want to catch up on emails. I want my room to be pretty again! It's exploded lately with clean clothes and Jim crap and fundraising paperwork from this year and next.

Heck, while we are on my list of wants and in fantasy-land.... I want a shopping spree at Borders; I want a hair cut and color to tone down the 'sparkle' my hair has recently aquired; I want MAC make up and lessons on how to do my eye makeup similar to Lacy's; I want new clothes for the kids and I and maybe, Jim; I want professional pictures of us taken; I want a vehicle that will hold all of us and is still this side of cool (in my eyes- not anyone else's!); I
want a ton of hanging baskets of flowers for my back patio and a green thumb to keep them alive.

That's it.

Oh, and just a few more hours in a day.


Leah said...

When you DO find time, pump out a few posts all at once! in the lower left hand corner, there's something like "post options" or something like that, and you can change the date/time of the entry, and here's the great thing, it will wait to post the entry until that day/time! I've got myself set up through May 15th. woo hoo!

and sorry, thinking about blogging doesn't get you any points. I have to actually have something to view. then I give out big points. lol!!!

Leah said...

PS I'll take your list of wishes and make it my own!!