Monday, June 2, 2008

Number Seven

In a previous blog, I came up with seven random things you did or didn't know about me. Number seven on that list was one I just threw together because I couldn't think of anything else. Sure, I could have renamed it 6 Random Things about Me but that would have been too easy! During the drive to Seattle, the ferry ride, and drive to Jimmy's grandpa's house, his 78th surprise birthday party, keeping the kids occupied during all of this, the sleepover visit there ('camping' in Papa's RV while my husband fell asleep inside on the couch), and then home again...... I came up with number 7! No, I am not obsessive!

#7. I do not like sweet potatoes, yogurt, coffee. Only because of other people, did they love sweet potatoes as babies, Cam and Gracie keep Yoplait in business , and all three LOVE coffee ice cream. I LOVE veggies and salads. The three love salads and veggies. We are picky when it comes to veggies...... nothing canned unless it's corn. MUST NOT BE MUSHY! Cooked= warmed, still crunchy. As a kid, I sat down in front of the television with a nice big bowl of iceberg lettuce! Bags of chips (if and when we buy them) sit in the kitchen until I end up throwing them away. I can't keep fresh fruits and veggies in my house. Berries, grapes, oranges, bananas, watermelon, kiwi, apples! Cucumbers, celery, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, corn on the cob, zucchini, spinach! Artichokes, mushrooms, and asparagus! (the last three are for me!) Lions and tigers and bears- oh my!


Leah said...

I wish I'd had that exposure as a kid. We barely ate veggies and they were always of the canned variety when we did. I'm trying really hard to expose my kids to a larger variety of veggies and fruits, but I gag on half of them myself having spent my whole life NOT eating them. And don't I WISH bags of chips would go uneaten. Sigh...

Kaci said...

Mmmmm you and me both!! I love them! El has a serious fetish when in come to cantalope...I can't keep that in my house for more then 2 days.