Sunday, June 15, 2008

For the birds

My kids have been unusually needy this weekend. I have heard the word "mom!" so much over the past few days, I am thinking about changing my name. It's followed me outside, into the bathroom, into the shower, around the house, in the grocery store, to the Maple Valley Days Parade and Festival, to the neighbor's house. At one point, it was yelled just because the screamer wanted to know where I was. On the drive (80 miles one way) home from taking Emma home, I was looking for a little peace and quiet. The quiet more than anything. I turned on our CD of choice these days and turned it up. Ah, to get lost in my thoughts while driving, listening to some rockin' music. My thought were interrupted by "MOOOOMMMMMMM!". I turned the music off ticked off and answered the 5 year old wood nymph with a very ticked off "What?!?!" (Have I mentioned before that my mom tells me quite often that I have the patience of a saint? It takes a lot to REALLY try my patience. The 5 people that do it the very best though are 4 kids and 1 husband.) Anyway, my "WHAT?!?!" was answered with "I know what the biggest bird in the whole wide world is." That started a debate between sisters on the answer...... eagle (Grace) or ostrich (Natalie). It was kinda hard to be ticked off after that. That's the last thing I expected to come out of Gracie's mouth when she yelled MOM!

For the record.... the answer is the Ostrich. But now Grace says she meant one that could fly so that would go to the Andean Condor, the Kori Bustard, and the Trumpeter Swan.

You learn something new every day when you take the patience to listen ;)


Leah said...

I wish I were more patient when the "MOOOOMMMMMM!" voices start in. Sometimes there's important thoughts I'm sorting through when I'm "lost" in thought. LOL

Good to know about the bird facts. You never know when that could come in handy! LOL

Erika said...

Very cute. I loved the post. Kind of reminds me of the first time you watched Zephrah and Sarah threw her huge fit! Remember?

Kaci said...

LOL! Nice! I love that new movie commerical where the kid is yelling MOM MOM MOM and the Mom is on the phone and loses patience and says NICK NICK NICK (or something) it's annoying huh! LOL! Anyways cute post and good to know about the birdies!