Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring Break

I had this idea that this week of Spring Break would be spent with some of my favorite people and their little ones. Slight challenge is that their break was last week. The school districts really need to coordinate calendars! Don’t they know how much this interferes with my social life?!?!? At least Emma has the same week off!

We had a ballet this morning in the living room. Natalie made tickets for everyone. She directed, did costumes, music, and performed! Wow- what a kid! She was quickly loosing her audience of siblings and getting frustrated. What really sent her over the edge was when Grace started making this weird noise repeatedly. She leaned over to me and whispered that it was her cell phone. Grace then explained to the person on her finger cell phone that she was at a show and she’d call them back later. Too bad her sister didn’t find her as funny as I did! (Side note- Gracie gets the cell phone thing from her father and NOT me!)

Times I empty, load, and run the dishwater in a day 2 1/2

Times I hear “I’m hungry” in a day 100s

Times I say “When your brother makes that noise that means he doesn’t like what you are doing” 75 at least

Loads of laundry I’ve done today 2

Loads I have in the hamper to be washed 10 (gotta love potty training!)

Times I’ve seen Dora so far today 2

Times the kids are really wonderful to make this all worth it (so far today-it’s only 10 am) 6


anonymous said...

I love the ballet in the living room, Natalie is a genius! the cell phone is pretty funny too... I remember doing water ballet at the beach with my cousins... our audience was our parents and they were a captive audience, because they had to keep an eye on us when we were in the water anyway... that worked nicely... I want to hear about the other 4 things they did to make it all worth while, I am becoming a "stories about your kids" junky.

anonymous said...

by the way, when I worked at a toy store, I had the entirety of blue's clues memorized... have you gotten there with Dora yet?