Monday, April 28, 2008

Mr. Baby Bird

I have a collection of very dear friends in G.H. We lived there just shy of three and a half years and I have friends of a lifetime from those short years. I love everything G.H. There are a few things I could do without but overall...

E has been there for me through thick and thin. Through pregnancy and new baby, through losing my sanity and regaining it. We've watched each other's children grow up. We always had fun doing nothing at all. E and I are so very different in so many different ways but have never let that get in the way of us being great friends.

E is currently a million months pregnant with her third (and finally, a boy) and I am so sad that I haven't been able to be there for her the way I want to be. Her being her, E's reaction is just come after he's born so I can love on him and hold him then. I love the fact that she understands so well about LIFE!

She has started a blog and currently has a poll on her page for Mr. Baby's name. So here I am encouraging you to vote. You're smart so I won't list her blog address here because the blogs I read are posted to the right and you'll be able to figure it out.

Here's to naming Mr. Baby Bird and all my love to his mommy.


Kaci said...

Awhhhhhh headed over there right now! :)

Erika said...

Cat, what can I say? You are amazing and have helped me become who I am today. I love you so much and can't wait to see you!

Leah said...

awww, it's nice to have such great friends! I'm glad you guys have each other. Now if only you could talk Mr. Hubby into MOVING BACK, you'd be set

Betsy Hart said...

I VOTED! Yay. So exciting to hear about new babies coming.