Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Snow, Christmas, Snow, and More Snow

Geesh, I was on a real roll there for awhile. Blogging every day and now... yea... um... we got dumped on by the snow the week before winter break, for those of you that have not spoken to me or should I say heard my bitching. The kids had an entire week extra off because of the snow. I've been doing everything to try and retain some sanity. Unfortunately for my fans, that doesn't include blogging.

I am now on countdown until school starts. My kids start on the 6th. A Tuesday, you ask?!?!? Yes, the 5th is a development day for teachers. I know and love quite a few teachers. I think they are amazing people BUT SERIOUSLY a development day after THREE weeks of winter break?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What is the district thinking?!?!?!?!?

I have made cookies with the kids from scratch (they tasted like saw dust!), played in the snow (got some really cute pictures but other than that it was really cold and wet!), made some more cookies from the fundraiser cookie dough (they were super yummy but I burnt the heck out of my finger!), and done art projects with the kids. I'm pretty done with the holiday season.

Disclaimer: I truly love my children. I am a better mommy when I get a break.

Look at this great picture that did come out of the three weeks. I have discovered Microsoft Publisher! So love my babies and Publisher!!!!!!


Leah said...

Glad to hear you survived the snow! sorry about the sawdust cookies and burnt finger. CUTE FREAKIN' collage you made! GO YOU! That pic of you and the kids is incredible. I have nothing of me and the kids. sigh...

Anonymous said...

I remember when it snowed in Jersey . . . like, 20+ inches in the beginning of December and cold all the time snow. Now, it snows a few inches, turns to ice, f's everything up and it's 65 the following day.
