Monday, November 3, 2008

The smack down

Why do stranger feel the need to tell others how to parent?! I have had this happen to me so many times, I have lost count. I want to come up with a comeback so intelligent and sassy and it be said no matter the comments made. I have visions of smacking the stranger across the face but my name isn't Scarlett O'Hara so I don't think I could get a way with it.

A friend of mine recently had a stranger yell at her for "hurting" her son. My friend.... let's call her Bob... is one of the NICEST people you could ever meet. Hurting defined as keeping a Cameron type small person confined to one spot by holding him using her legs while she was checking out in Target. This stranger even had the nerve to call what Bob was doing child abuse. Bob will be the first to admit that her youngest is a wild man. Aside from using duct tape and 2 X 4s, how do you keep these little guys safe? You can't stay in your house forever. Bob is an amazing mom- she is SO involved with her children- NOT abusing them. Plus, Bob is not 'new'. Her youngest is her third so she kinda knows what she's doing.

But seriously?!?!?! What are people thinking?!?!?!? I had a woman tell me that I need to have a talk with Gracie about running off after it had taken me 15 minutes to find her in Safeway. REALLY, lady?!?!? Why didn't I think about that?!?!? Or the 'fill in' pediatrician who gave me a 'lesson' in the difference in spit up vs. throw up. Cam had acid reflux as a baby and had a stomach flu. His acid reflux happened in the exam room so she felt the need to 'teach' me. SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I'm not new! Or the sales woman giving me 'advice' about having the baby back pack on while in the store with the baby in it. Did she not see the other children with me?!?!? I tried to tell myself that I probably just looked too young for all those babies be mine. My favorite of all time is the cashier at Target..... the same one all three or four times this has happened....... my mom and go shopping with the two youngest. Two adults, two carts, one kid in each cart. In the check out line, while we are standing right there next to the cart, my kids are each given a 'lecture' about sitting down and staying put while in the cart. Yes, in her defense, I understand safety and all but did I mention that MY MOM AND I are standing RIGHT THERE!

Bob, none of my rant was to take away from your feelings and the things this crazy lady said to you. Just to let you know that you aren't alone and that it happens to the most bestest, wonderfulest moms!


Autumn said...

Ha! Ooooh yes. Try getting this sh*t from your in-laws! I feel your pain!

Erika said...

That was crazy right?? 'Bob' handled it so well...I might not have been as nice as she was!

Leah said...

I'm sure Bob appreciates the support and knowing she's not alone!

It's amazing how justified people often feel in their nosiness... SHEESH!

Kristina said...

It always amazes me that people take it upon themselves to discipline other people's children...especially when the parents are right there. As a teacher, I have a really hard time keeping my mouth shut when I see kids misbehaving in a way that affects others around them. (Like running up and down the bleachers at a football game, or talking loudly in a movie theater, repeatedly kicking the back of my chair on an airplane, that kind of thing.) If their parents are nearby, I don't say anything. Though I often mutter to my husband about how annoying it is for the parents to ignore their children and allow them to bother other people.

The parents who are NOT responsible are making it hard for those who are. Bob was right there and doing what was best. You are right: she's a good mom. She and her children once spent three days at my house, and I KNOW she's a great mom.

But there are parents out there not like you and not like Bob. I go to high school sporting events all the time (both as a supervisor and just because I enjoy them!) and you would not believe the number of parents who drop off their elementary / middle school aged children and then leave. Then we have large groups of kids there not interested in anything but socializing. It's so bad, and they get so out of control that we have a security guard assigned to the area where they hang out.

We are not babysitters, yet parents use us that way. Then, they get mad when we "discipline" their kids. Sheesh. If only everyone were more responsible like you and Bob!