Thursday, November 20, 2008


My children have been my proudest moments in my entire life. They are amazing little creatures who not only warm and enlarge my heart but are the only people who know how to frustrate me and make me completely loose my mind.

The only other person that comes close to "making me feel" those same feelings are my husband. I find him very funny, incredibly sexy (obviously because we have a passel of munchkins together). He knows me so well, it's scary. He's also very intelligent. He has a big bark and even bigger heart. He is one of the most stubborn, pig headed, opinionated people I know. He is one of my best friends. We have grown up together. We both know each others warts and scars and he still loves me and I him. We have been together almost ten years and it seems like the longest and shortest ten years of my life. In all the craziness of our life together, I have never lost my faith in him. He can move mountains and sell ice to eskimos.

This is at his college graduation- three years of hard work, patience, sacrifice, another baby, and living with my mom. Watching him walk up on that stage was definitely one of my proudest moments. I didn't just cry... I bawled! I was and am so proud of him for the man that he is and has become. This is my favorite picture of us together. Not only do I look completely cute and adorable, he is extremely hot in that cap and gown!

And it captures that day perfectly.


Leah said...

awww, it's a GREAT picture, and what a fantastic day that must have been for both of you.


Kristina said...

How sweet! Did he blush when he read this post? It made me smile. And, by the way, you do look super cute in that picture!

Kristina said...

P.S. The part about the big bark and bigger heart was sweet. It's just like my J!