Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A day in the life of Cameron Bubba James

As I was TRYING to sneak into the shower ALONE this morning, I was caught by a three year old wanting to join me. I was told he wasn't 'clean and shiny' and he HAD to take a shower.

Cam doesn't have the letter or sound S in his vocabulary. It is so damn cute! Words like school, sneakers, Slurpees. I miss some of his former 'baby' words. The lack of S's will pass too and I will miss not having S in my life.

Usually he runs up to pre- 'chool, filled with enthusiasm to be there. He loves his teacher, the toy trucks and is sooo proud of the work and projects he brings home. Today, he decided half way up to the door that he forgot something in the car. Then we had to go home so he could brush his teeth. Then.......... I finally got him in the front door. We sat on the stairs together talking about how he was feeling and what he needed (okay so I was doing the talking- I'm BIG on communication, can you tell?!!?). He just wanted to leave with me. Mrs. Hurley (Amazing disguised as a preschool teacher) told Cam that they were painting in class. He decided that he was staying and I was leaving. So much for my communication skills.

** The title of this posting.... when asked his name, Cam used to tell people it was Cameron Bubba James. His 'REAL' name is James Cameron D%#&@ Jr. His mama nickname is Bubba. Poor kid was so confused! Now he just reverses the Cameron and James. Hopefully by third grade, he'll get it 'right'.


Leah said...
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Leah said...

cameron bubba james! lol!!!!!!!!!

Jared was bubba until he was about two. Now Connor's bubba far more often than J is these days. my cousin heather calls her eldest daughter bubba as well! I guess it's a pretty versitile nickname. LOL

Cameron bubba james is one CUTE kid!

Autumn said...

I call Presley bubba or bub. It must be a mom thing. :)

Erika said...

very cute!!! He sounds adorable. I can almost hear him in my head. Reminds me of the good old pre-school days when he spent so much time at my house!

Kristina said...

Cameron Bubba James is a cutie pie! And it's sweet that he wants to spend time with his mama...even though painting can lure him away!

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