Wednesday, November 5, 2008


For the first time since I became a registered voter fifteen years ago, I actually voted last night. I stood in line with all the other history makers and took advantage of the touch screen computer poll thingy. I was even more thrilled to receive my badge of honor....

I make it a point to keep religion and politics out of my friendships. I have friends of every race, religion, political party, sexual preference, shape, etc. in my life. I see people for who they are and I feel as those things don't define who a person is. I recently had a friend who has found calm and happiness in her life. Her choices to get there make us on complete opposites of the fence in most of life. It took her three months to tell me. My response... I was upset she took so long to tell me. I don't care if she were to turn orange with green polka dots and go to live on Mars with three husbands and a girlfriend. As long as she's happy. It's almost 20 years of friendship that is too precious to me.

I was raised this way. I have tried to raise my children the same way.

With that said, on the way home from voting, we stopped at our local discount department store. There were people in the parking lot celebrating the win of our new president. As my husband walked by, a woman make a comment to him that a black man is now president and he probably voted for the other guy. Jim's response "Why? Just because I'm white?".

Is this how it's going to be? About race? The exact way my husband and I ARE NOT raising our children? For ME, it's about the best person for the job to run our government. I have hope for the future.

I hope our next president is orange with green polka dots and lives on Mars.


Leah said...


Emily said to me the other day, "MOM! You will NEVER believe how crazy this is. Did you know that before I was even born, and maybe even before YOU were born, that they didn't let black people vote?" It did my heart good to hear the shock and confusion in her voice, because although we live in a town where there are not many minorities, my child still understands that people are PEOPLE.

PS congrats on voting for the first time! I always do mine absentee. I'm lazy. I kind of wish I'd done it the traditional way yesterday

Kristina said...

Wow. What a story. I was in the airport last night on my way home from Denver. I was on an escalator and we passed by a bookstand. There was a poster of a book with a picture of Obama and the word "Faith" on it. The man behind me snorted with derision and said, "Faith. Yeah, that (expletive)'s faith is what caused the DOW to drop a thousand points yesterday."

I have faith that we are embarking on a great journey. This is a great time in the history of our country. And, together, we will become stronger.

Congrats on voting, and have faith that what you are teaching your children is good.

Triften said...

Hey, a Martian can't be president! Says right there in the Constitution. :P