Sunday, September 7, 2008


Reasons not to blog.......In no particular order....

1. School just started this past week for my 2nd grader and kindergartener.

2. Which also means I have to play with the remaining child at home rather than catching up on all my internet whoring like I usually do.

3. I am the co- chair for fundraising for the girls' school AGAIN this year and with the start of the school year means the start of my fundraising fun!

4. I have battled for the last few weeks with the forces of moisture ants. My house has been sprayed a gazillion times and I think we now only have a few stragglers. One night we couldn't sleep in our house because the chemicals have been so bad.

5. Kids hit the bed and I hit my book or newest People magazine. I was turned onto a WONDERFUL website called SHELFARI.COM It's like myspace BUT with BOOKS! I am so addicted to it and love seeing what my friends are reading! Have I mentioned I'm a geek when it comes to books?

Reasons to Blog

1. I get threatened by the Blog Goddess at a set of 6 year old twin's birthday party!

2. I like the attention when people leave comments.

3. I want to try to be as witty and a great writer as Kristina (Did that sentence even make sense?)


Kaci said...

Kristina is a great blogger! LOL! :) Welcome back...step away from People Magazine! LOL!

Kristina said...

Great post! And I'm glad you're back! That's what blogging is all about, right?? What's going on in our lives? And thank you for the compliment. You are too kind. I'm seriously blushing.

I'm totally going to check out Shelfari...I'm a book geek, too. Let me know what you're reading! We should start a book blog together...maybe we'll turn people on to reading!

Leah said...

blog goddess? woo hoo! Blogging's on a whole new level for me now. LOL

And I strive to be as good as K as well. Except I gave up in 10th grade English (although our english/literature teacher had ME autograph a story I wrote...ha ha ha!)

Leah said...

ps glad you're back!! and I didn't threaten! I coaxed! I suggested.