Monday, September 29, 2008

Kid Says What?

Not into chick lit or anything with vampires? Then I highly recommend books by a hysterical woman by the name of Celia Rivenbark. The titles alone are funny... Bless Your Heart, Tramp; We're Just Like You, Only Prettier; Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like a Skank. Very funny short stories! Right now, I'm on a section called Kids: Just because they don't have gills doesn't mean they are human.

Reminded me of something said out of the mouths of one of my babes....

Gracie informed me she knew what "in comet" meant (comment made completely out of the blue). Her and her friend, Jayden, have "in comet" they both like Ariel and the color pink.

Oh of course!


Kaci said...

LOL! I love kidisms!! :)

Erika said...

*grin* I can almost see her saying it!

Leah said...


We have a "prume" tree (plum) in our side yard, and we "fretend" to be pirates from time to time... (curtesy of J-man)

Kristina said...

How funny! That's actually one of my favorite job perks: getting to hear what kids say!