I am fully aware that when she is 16 and looks back at pictures, I will get an earful about how could I have possibly let her wear that outfit to school. Then when she's 35 and becomes a mother for the first time to a little girl, she'll call me and tell me she now completely understands! *sniff* sniff* I love being her mommy!
when she's 35, that outfit is probably going to be really in style!
Em would be very unhappy (should I ever bother to tell her,and I don't plan on it) that Gracie's school lets her wear flip-flops because it's a big major no-no here!
i wish i could let jayden walk out of the house in whatever she would like to wear...i just can't! i have issues...lol!
She's such a doll! I love that she picks out her own clothes! That's a good skill to have. I find myself asking my husband if things look okay...or calling my sisters and describing my outfits to them!
The scarf is totally bitchin!! HECK YES!! That reminds me I told myself I would learn to crochet or something like that and make me-self and El a scarf this winter. :) XOXO
OMG you are gonna make me cry! I totally welled right up... still blaming the pregnancy hormones. :( She looks beautiful no matter what she wears, and like you said, I am sure as a grown up she will appericiate what you let her wear!
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