Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Male Species

Cameron, at three, has yet to be in preschool. He has three older sister and a set of parents and lots of grandparents and more aunts and uncles to count. I think we do a pretty good job in the academics department. He also is pretty socialize with other kids.

HOWEVER, he needs little people his same age to play with. I know this. So I've been looking into preschools.

We went to one yesterday where Cameron was instructed to decorate a green piece of paper with stamps to spell his name, stickers, and markers. If he attended, it would be laminated and be his snack place mat. Simple enough.

Cam decided after we put his name on it (I did the C and A- he did the rest of the letters)that the picture was FOR Daddy. I asked him who it was a picture of.

"It's Daddy".

"It's a picture of Daddy for Daddy?"

"Yes" he says somewhat irritated.

Cameron then told me as he drew "Daddy" what the different parts were out loud.

Eyes..... mouth...... arms....... legs........ penis..........

I almost fell off my chair.

Jim's response was OF COURSE the typical male crude response about the size it was drawn. GEESH! MEN!

This is one of Cameron's pictures he drew over the summer of "Jack and Jill". At the time, it didn't even cross my mind about things being anatomically correct. Now I'm beginning to wonder. GEESH! BOYS!


Kaci said...

Oh my gosh too funny!! BOYS!

Leah said...

LOL! I have a picture Emily drew when she was four of Jared naked. And she did it during a Love and Logic class I was taking and announced her picture rather loudly. ha!