Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Last Chick

My last baby chick started preschool today. He's had his backpack on since we took his sisters to the bus stop. He was VERY excited ! I have managed not to cry.... okay so I was a bit teary eyed when I dropped him off. I managed to get a TON of errands done and then realized I still have an hour before I have to pick him up. Now, it's 37 minutes.

Every Tuesday and Thursday for two hours, I am completely kid-less. I'm not sure what to do with myself. Good thing I went to the library.... that has me covered for Thursday. Not sure about next week, or the week after, or the week after..... Anyone want to get together?!?!?


Kaci said...

He is adorable!! Wow 2 hours free???!! Get a mani/pedi!

Leah said...

I'd love to get together, but it's probably way to far of a drive to fit in round-trip in two hours and still have time to visit... LOL

Glad he's having fun!!! I'm gonna CRY when Connor's in school as well. WHAT THE HECK WILL I DO WITH MYSELF???


Rex said...

Your last? Ha! You're going to have three more!