Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'm in my favorite town in my favorite house.
Kids are all asleep.
Stinky puppy is behind a closed bedroom door.
I'm eating 'Cowboy Caviar' and Harbor Green Tortilla Chips (so close to surpassing really good sex).
Spent the day roaming my city as me in my former life here.
Getting ready to watch either the movie '27 Dresses' or TiVo-ed Bothers and Sisters AND Desperate Housewives.
All the laundry I brought with me is done!
I just would like a glass of Moscado to make it overall perfection!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Mr. Baby Bird
E has been there for me through thick and thin. Through pregnancy and new baby, through losing my sanity and regaining it. We've watched each other's children grow up. We always had fun doing nothing at all. E and I are so very different in so many different ways but have never let that get in the way of us being great friends.
E is currently a million months pregnant with her third (and finally, a boy) and I am so sad that I haven't been able to be there for her the way I want to be. Her being her, E's reaction is just come after he's born so I can love on him and hold him then. I love the fact that she understands so well about LIFE!
She has started a blog and currently has a poll on her page for Mr. Baby's name. So here I am encouraging you to vote. You're smart so I won't list her blog address here because the blogs I read are posted to the right and you'll be able to figure it out.
Here's to naming Mr. Baby Bird and all my love to his mommy.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jelly Sandwich Queen
Gracie became the Queen of Jelly Sandwiches (it's the only thing she could eat!). A friend of mine predicted that when she grew up, Grace would be a connoisseur of jelly and open her own shop. Every morning for breakfast, Grace has two jelly sandwiches- cut into a total of 8 pieces. It's the same ritual.... (M) Gracie, what would you like for breakfast?......(G) What do we have?.........(M) Cereal, toast, bananas, bagel- what would you like?........(G) 10 jelly sandwiches........ (M) 8....... (G) okay. It's like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day. This morning I told her she was going to turn into a jelly sandwich. I even told her about Nikki's thoughts for her future jelly store. Grace asked me if she has liked jelly sandwiches her whole life ~"ya know since I was 4"
Monday, April 21, 2008
The love for my computer
I wish it worked the same for me.... since I'm a mommy all day long, the last thing I want to do is be a mommy in the evening when I am trying to relax from a hard day! That was Jim's reason for not getting the computer done sooner :) My dad built houses for a living when I was a kid. It took my mom years to try and get him to build a deck on the house!
I came across this thing on someone else's blog talking about loving my computer because all my friends live in it. Isn't that the truth!?!? I have such a hard time talking to people in REAL time! I don't like having six conversations all at once. I don't know who is worse- Jim or the kids! :) I've been lost without the computer. From human connections to getting my fill of the news- world, state, city, friends' lives- I've missed you! In the meantime, I've wrote (on paper with a pen!) topics to blog about. I was bored, what can I say! I even wrote a letter to my grandparents but then my hand cramped up. I am so out of practice with a pen! Now if only I can find time in a day to sit down and type - other than 1:05 am (I couldn't fall sleep)! I recently discovered the draft save thing on this blog site so I can start to write an entry and come back to it..... I've been writing this one for days now! :)
Everything I do on the computer:
*Check my email NUMEROUS times in a day.... now is the only time I will ever confess that!
*Read other blogs..... I know one person who religously blogs everyday.
*Read the top news and entertainment news on then end up on to read more entertainment news. I am addicted to People Magazine!
*Read my hometown newspaper online to see if anyone I went to high school with has gotten arrested, married, divorced, had a baby, or has passed away. Jim says that ranks up there with People Magazine. I love gossip apparently. Jim thinks I need to see someone about it!
*Check my MYSPACE and FACEBOOK accounts to see who has left me a message or comment. For me, it's like checking my answering machine after being gone all day. Feelin' the love!
* All the shows I would love to watch but can't stay up that late to watch them. Virtually commercial free and when I want to watch them!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Babies, babies, babies
I received an email from a friend from junior high school today. She was one of my first friends when I moved to Arizona. C was always super sweet, saw the best in people, and the person you wanted cheering for you. In high school, we were friends with different people and didn't talk as much (Meaning: I THOUGHT I was too cool).
C and B have been married for what seems like forever.
They have a daughter who looks just like her mom. What is it with oldest daughters being a carbon copy of their mothers. Does that term even exist anymore and people know what it means?
They also have 4 of the cutest little boys.
Surprise, C got pregnant again and they had another little girl. Good thing Megan was born though...... too much testosterone!
B got 'fixed' right after Megan was born..... about 18 months ago.
C is now pregnant with TRIPLETS!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So sad
I tried to write a letter to my grandparents today and my hand cramped up because I can't remember the last time I wrote something....... HAND wrote something that long! I have also made a list of the things I want to blog about........................ okay, yea, I need my computer back!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My people
I was on a roll there for while I know. It is Spring Break Week and I have had so much fun with the kids that it's sent me to the drink! Just Kidding! I am however so glad that the week has come to an end. We have had ALL 4 kids so I'm spending some time recovering and will be back very soon with funny stories, interesting facts, and adorable pictures. Now, back to that glass of wine!
Take Care and Keep Reading (it makes me feel like a SUPER star!)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
There is a reason why your mother bought you an apron for Christmas that says 'He didn't marry you for your cooking'.
Remember this information. Call mother-in-law or mom next time.
Spring Break
I had this idea that this week of Spring Break would be spent with some of my favorite people and their little ones. Slight challenge is that their break was last week. The school districts really need to coordinate calendars! Don’t they know how much this interferes with my social life?!?!? At least Emma has the same week off!
Times I empty, load, and run the dishwater in a day 2 1/2
Times I hear “I’m hungry” in a day 100s
Times I say “When your brother makes that noise that means he doesn’t like what you are doing” 75 at least
Loads of laundry I’ve done today 2
Loads I have in the hamper to be washed 10 (gotta love potty training!)
Times I’ve seen Dora so far today 2
Times the kids are really wonderful to make this all worth it (so far today-it’s only 10 am) 6
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
'For One More Day'
I lead a double life. I am a book worm. If I had to be stranded on a deserted island, I would take a Borders bookstore. My perfect evening has a good book and a glass or two or three of wine in it. I have always been a reader. It’s the written word that seduces me. The written word and my husband- not usually together!
My bracelet

My kids nicknames and why.....
Emma is Em. Nothing other than Em has stuck.
Natalie is Buggie Boo. Her dad gave her the nickname of Bug when she was brand new. He figured "Nats" (gnats) were bugs. It stuck and has different variations. Mine is Buggie Boo. Now that she is 7, Natalie gets very embarrassed by it. Too bad, kid!
Grace is Kiki. Kiki you ask! Up until her brother could talk, she was always Lou. My mom gave her Lou after the movie Miss Congeniality. Everyone in the family called her Lou then...... her brother started to try and say Gracie and it came out Kiki. There went Lou.
Cam is Bubba. He was always MY Bubba. I was the only one who called him Bubba. My baby boy. Then, again he started to talk and when you asked him his name, he said Bubba. Now at 3, he says his name is Bubba James D#@%# Cameron. He's actually James Cameron D#^%# Jr. Most of my friends' kids call him Bubba. I am raising a kid named Bubba!?!?!?
Monday, April 7, 2008
Where have you been?
My birthday is my favorite holiday of the entire year. It's all about me and I get presents. Who couldn't love that?!?!
I got a wonderful gift from the hubby. And of course because I am, me- it has a story behind it! This past year at Tidesfest, I saw these beautiful bracelets that you can customize. I bought one for Jim's grandma. It had the initials of everyone in the family so 'we can always be with her'. She lives in Eastern Washington and we don't get to see her much. A month later, I bought another one for my sister with my niece's name on it. My sister cried- I won Christmas there! I finally got one! It has all my kids' childhood nicknames on it. I love it!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"Mean" Mommy
Each one of the kids wake up different. Emma, Grace, and Cameron all wake up very easily. Emma and Grace want breakfast. Cameron wants cuddles. After a few minutes, I’ve got wide eyed, ready for the day munchkins. Natalie on the other hand is more like me. Just a few more minutes turn into half an hour at least. Don’t bother me with breakfast until I am damn well good and ready! Give me a little while once I AM standing to open my eyes completely. This is why Natalie went to afternoon kindergarten and Grace will be going to morning!
Since Natalie started 1st grade, mornings have been a struggle. For awhile the kids, on their own, woke up between 5:30 and 6 am. 2 1/2 hours was perfect to get Miss Natalie up and moving, showered and dressed, breakfast and off to the bus stop. When the time change- Spring Forward- happened, it set the kids’ alarm clocks all off. They are getting up later and later which puts Natalie behind no matter how much I push and yell and bribe. She has missed the bus, been an hour late to school so many times, I’m ready to scream. Her dad and I have taken away things, put her in time out, tried to get her up earlier, and even smacked her on the tush once or twice.
I’ve told her that next time she misses the bus, she would have to walk. In reality, I couldn’t- busy roads and she’s my baby. I’ve told her that she would have to go to school in her jammies. I’ve never followed through----- UNTIL TODAY! Once she figured out that I was REALLY serious, I had to do some interesting moves to get her out the front door. She was even more mad when I locked it and walked away. I stuck with it. I drove her to school because I was doing some work there today. She refused to get out of the car. I took her backpack into her teacher and told her what was going on. Her teacher said that was great because they were reading a book about that same subject matter. I told her teacher "Great! Anything I can do to help!" I went back to the car and half carried her in to the school. Natalie crying and pleading with me to just take her home so she could change her pants. I set her outside her classroom door and told her that this was because of choices she made. I told her I loved her and pushed her into her classroom along with a staff member who shuffled her to the rest of the way in. I turned around and left.
I can’t believe I actually did it! I am so proud of myself I can hardly see straight! I wonder if Natalie will drag her feet tomorrow morning....... (insert diabolical laughter here)