Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where was their mother!?!?

In my state of exhaustion yesterday, I spent a good portion of the day on the computer wandering around all my favorite websites. I read blogs, blogs, and more blogs. I read the news. I checked my email. I blogged quite a few times ( I was delirious!). I checked my myspace page (yes, I have one. In my defense, I have friends and relatives all over the U.S. and it's a great outlet to keep in touch with them without a whole lot of energy or time. Those two things are precious to me as selfish as that sounds!).

Our computer is in the family/ living room. My house isn't very big but the FR/LR is the hub. So I'm fairly close to the kids; keeping an eye on them. They wander around playing in the playroom or their rooms or coming to tell me they are hungry.

Let me just clarify that these days don't happen very often. Wandering jammie days are just needed sometimes.

I was keeping a great watch on the kids and spent hardly any time on the computer as you can see by the picture. The red 'x' shows you where I was sitting.

1 comment:

anonymous said...

I very much love the statement that "wandering jammie days are just sometimes needed."
I agree.