Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strong Boy

Gracie, Strong Boy, Cameron, Miss Emily Grace

Once known as Jared, he becomes STRONG BOY with the toss of his shirt! With the toss of his shoes, he apparently becomes THE HULK. Mama Strong Boy ruled out turning into THE HULK at the park that day. Strong Boy took it very well. I asked who the Super Hero was when everything came off.... SUPER STRONG BOY! Gotta be the influence of Daddy Strong Boy because if you ask me, it's dripping in testosterone!
It was wonderful to see the STRONG BOY kids and especially Mama Strong Boy! I really needed it- to heck with the kids playing at the park and seeing their friends!


Kristina said...

I know Strong Boy!! Only the last time I was lucky enough to see him, he only had a big sister, no little brother, and had yet to become Strong Boy. (Yes, folks, that's right...I knew him before he became famous!) He was still commando crawling around the floor...he wasn't Strong Boy, he was Incredibly Fast Boy who managed to find EVERYTHING I forgot to put up. Who knew how hard it was to baby proof a house when you don't have babies?

Kaci said...

Awhhh no fair!! Although I get to see them in TWO days!! YA ME!

Leah said...

LOL! Yay, some of us are famous on your blog.

We had a GREAT time that day, and I'm dearly hoping we can score another visit with you soon (as soon as I kick this NASTY cold I picked up on the airplane, I'm calling you!)

And Jared had everyone in PA cracking up with his Strong Boy/Hulk changes as well. At one point, the child came storming into the house, a furious look on his face, ripped his shirt of with such vigor I thought surely it would never be the same again. I immediately got worried something was wrong and he was in the middle of a tantrum, so jumped up and asked, "Jared, buddy! What's wrong?" He turned around and as sweetly as you please, replied, "Nothing mama! I'm just turning into strong boy." then flexed his muscles and scowled and headed out the door again. It was HILARIOUS!