Our neighborhood 'gang' is made up mostly of boys ages 5 and up. I know most of the kids and to which parents they belong and vice versa. A few days ago, Cam was trying to rough house with one of the 'gang' (J is 6...he has a younger brother who is almost 2 and his parents are wonderful.... his mom works at Kindercare, so she knows a little something about kids, and his dad is just all around a great dad). Cam kept running into J trying to "take him down" (in Cam's words). J told Cam numerous times that he can't play with him like that, he would hurt him if he did (see great parenting!) Did my son stop?! Nope.....

Cam just wouldn't give up trying to take J down. I told J he did nothing wrong when the crying and blood started. I told J's mom about it and she asked Cam if she could kiss it... Cam's response was no, because she would get blood on her. Maybe he isn't so rough and tumble, maybe there is a sensitive side to him after all! We are in need of some testosterone in smaller packages! (I personally think that his lip looks worse in person than in the picture!)
aww, poor Cam! But I guess it sounds like he had it coming? LOL That's sweet about not wanting to get blood on people.
I hate how pictures won't show wounds as bad as they look in person. I kept trying to take pics of my nasty bruised up elbow and it looked tame in pictures. LOL
PS Yours is one of only two blogs I've been able to get on in the last two days. All the other ones (mine included) give me an error message and then abort. aughh!
Ohhh pooor baby!! :( I would of cried too! I tried to get El to kiss Leah's stong boy but that boy high tailed it out of the room. I just wanted a picture of it. :) XxOO
He might be "just a little dude" now, but he's going to be a heartbreaker when he's older! How cute is he, fat lip and all!
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