I was a couch potato today with my munchkins. It doesn't happen very often but when it does, it feels GREAT! I even took an hour nap.... ooohhhh ahhhhhh!
I have been in overdrive for the past month. I hold quite a few positions with the school and PTSA- did you expect anything less?!?! :) Anyway, everything seemed to happen in the month of March. Whoever did the fundraising planning needs to be fired! (yea, me- I wish!) Plus I got sick and have 4 kids. Oi vey! I had a co-chair but she's gone back to work and is so terribly frustrated with our Board. I get check in phone calls which is nice of her. I am so glad it's all coming to an end. I need a drink and a vacation.... maybe both- together!
Why the heck am I doing it again next year, you ask- I can't change anything if I leave the Board. Plus I have more of an invested interest next year. I will have two babies at the school. (Hold for a momentary tear or two and some wailing about my baby going to kindergarten) I like the fact that people know me there. I like feeling important and like an adult! I actually have to call adult people and I have a title. "This is Cattigan D@#%, from L#^* W^$)#%# Elementary School PTSA, Fundraising" WOOOHOO!
As I'm sliding in to a finish with fundraising for this school year, I will be planning next year's very soon. Just don't tell Jim ;)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Pictures of Wood Nymphs and Fairies
The super cool person that she is, my sister in law read my blog and emailed me the pictures of the flower girl and the wood nymph at her wedding. I love the picture of Natalie! The baby doll that she is holding had a matching dress that my mom made for her. Their photographer got some really great shots of my kids and the bride at the wedding. Another moment captured on film- the photographer got a shot of Grace jumping in a puddle during practice. Just proves my point about Gracie's Gracie-ness.
Cam was in a wedding recently. He was the cutest ring bearer ever! For picture sake, having your child in a wedding is great. For sanity sake, so not worth it! I missed most of M and K's wedding and never made it to the reception. At least I have adorable pictures of my son in a tux!
I took this one on my digital- The one the wedding photographer took is very similar but is unbelievable- that's why he makes the big bucks and has a very expensive camera!

Side Note- Yes, that is Cam in the trees with his sister. He followed her in then my step-brother, Josh went chasing after them. Josh is 18 and 6-3.
I am certain that Grace was a fairy or wood nymph in a previous life. Everything from the way she looks to walks to her personality. One of my favorite moments of her fairy/wood nymph- ness was during my brother's wedding. Grace and Natalie were the flower girls. They both had halos of flowers on their head, yellow dresses, and 'fancy' shoes. Gorgeous! Natalie was the pillar of perfect flower girl. Stood where she was suppose to, walked when she was suppose to, acted like..... well, Natalie- the first born. In the midst of the ceremony, Gracie made a beeline for the tree/hill/grass area and just ran around and played in the brush. My dad said later that he laughed thinking that she was in her element- she was just being Gracie.
I encourage her to embrace her Gracie-ness. I think it is so important for her to be her. I wouldn't want her any other way.
She has had moments where she gets very sad about the friends she has lost since we moved. I know that Kindergarten in September will help that. She writes letter to her 'old' friends. I have them stashed away- I can't bring myself to send them out- my baby's first attempts at writing a letter to someone. She was in the middle of writing one of her letters thins morning when she asked me how to spell "gun". I asked her why she was writing about guns and she looked at me puzzled.
"How are you using it in a sentence?"
"You know, mom, like when am I gun a see you again"
That's another thing about Grace that I love is that she makes me laugh. She comes up with things and has done things that are only her.
Gracie needed to wash her hands so I set her on the kitchen counter to use the sink. I put a little Orange Ajax Dish Soap on her hands. She asked me if her hands were going to smell like oranges or dishes. How do you answer that? She keeps me on my toes :)
I encourage her to embrace her Gracie-ness. I think it is so important for her to be her. I wouldn't want her any other way.
She has had moments where she gets very sad about the friends she has lost since we moved. I know that Kindergarten in September will help that. She writes letter to her 'old' friends. I have them stashed away- I can't bring myself to send them out- my baby's first attempts at writing a letter to someone. She was in the middle of writing one of her letters thins morning when she asked me how to spell "gun". I asked her why she was writing about guns and she looked at me puzzled.
"How are you using it in a sentence?"
"You know, mom, like when am I gun a see you again"
That's another thing about Grace that I love is that she makes me laugh. She comes up with things and has done things that are only her.
Gracie needed to wash her hands so I set her on the kitchen counter to use the sink. I put a little Orange Ajax Dish Soap on her hands. She asked me if her hands were going to smell like oranges or dishes. How do you answer that? She keeps me on my toes :)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A friend of mine- not mentioning any names- you know who you are! :) - told me that until I start posting regularly that she's not going to list me on her page as a site she reads. She has me in her private folder. Well! I want to be up there for everyone to read! I love the recognition- a very known fact about me! Some people I know are amazing and post a blog everyday while she manages to be a rockin' mom and kick ass woman. I'm not that organized! But for recognition's sake.....
Today- we had snow last night and quite a bit of it. I was hoping for a snow day- no such luck. On the way back to my house from the bus stop, I was struck with inspiration- how beautiful the cherry blossom trees were with snow all around them. The pink blooms and the white snow half melted with spots of green grass. I didn't think taking a picture would do it justice so I figured I'd leave that up to you and the power of the the imagination.
Today- we had snow last night and quite a bit of it. I was hoping for a snow day- no such luck. On the way back to my house from the bus stop, I was struck with inspiration- how beautiful the cherry blossom trees were with snow all around them. The pink blooms and the white snow half melted with spots of green grass. I didn't think taking a picture would do it justice so I figured I'd leave that up to you and the power of the the imagination.
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