Thursday, April 2, 2009


I think it's kinda sexy when Jim does this...

(He is so dreamy!)

I think it's hysterical that Natalie can do it too.

It's only the one eyebrow they can lift like that!

I find these things terribly interesting. I need to get out more, I know!

All the kids, Jim, and his mom have ,what I call, the "Sun Sneezes". When they get the sun in their eyes, they sneeze repeatedly~ it's usually at least four times!

Cameron and I can touch our tongues to our noses.

My mom and Grace can't roll their tongues.

I don't have a point to this blog... just wanted to post a really cute picture of my husband!


Rex said...


Glad you are back!

Kristina said...

You crack me up! It is interesting to me, too, the things people in the same family can or can't do. My baby sister inherited from our dad the unfortunate habit of sticking her tongue out, sort of folding it under and biting it while concentrating.

Both of my sisters can roll their tongues so they look like clovers, and I can't even do it once.

On the other hand, my mom and I can both wiggle our ears, but neither of my sisters can.

Leah said...

I can't do the eyebrow thing to save my life... LOL

It's fun seeing what crazy stuff of ours that our children end up with.