Monday, May 3, 2010

A year

What a difference a year makes! So much has happened, so much has changed, so much I have wanted to say and write, so much I have missed out on, so many friends' blogs I haven't read. Where to begin?!?!?

I wrote to my cousin's daughter something wonderful....

XXXOOO's! Life ain't so bad, my darling! If your mama and I survived, so can you and sister. It's in the genes. You come from a long line of strong, powerful, kick ass, gorgeous women and don't you forget it!

Now only to have it tattooed on my forehead so I can remember it for myself.


anonymous said...

Yay! you are back!

Leah said...

We do that little reminder from time to time, don't we? I might not suggest your forehead, or do you really spend that much time in the mirror that you'd see it? LOL

HUGS, glad you're back!