Monday, March 2, 2009

Fancy Hair

Her teacher must think I'm crazy.

Yes, Grace went to school after she did her own hair and yes, I was okay with it. I was only concerned with the kids being distracted by all the hair "pretties" she had. I guess the only thing Grace was asked is if she did her own hair that morning and it was all by adults.

Fancy hair to go with all her fancy outfits!


Leah said...

LOL You're a better mom than me! I love that there's a ton in the back, too!!

Erika said...

I am debating whether or not to show this to Z! I think she would adopt the style in a heart beat. And really, that is just what I need right now. hehe

Rex said...

I have no desire to be known as the Uncle who Whines, but where are the updates? You have teased us with such great updates, and so frequently... now UPDATES, GIRL!

Rex said...
